I have always felt that I was born to help others. As a sensitive and intuitive child, I always seemed to feel what those around me felt. I was a peacekeeper to my core and wanted to do what I could to help people feel better. These qualities developed throughout my life and led me to become a Licensed Psychologist—to live my purpose of healing others.

I spent the first part of my career providing traditional “talk therapy” to my clients. Although this form of therapy has its benefits, some people need multiple sessions, over many months, to make lasting changes. But something was missing. There had to be other ways to help people heal more effectively, more quickly, and more sustainably. I finally realized that true healing needed to involve both the mind and the body.

My journey then began into mind-body healing techniques. I became fascinated as I heard more and more about “mindfulness.” After completing my first class in “Mindfulness Fundamentals,” I began a daily mindful meditation practice that changed my life. Slowing down and being in the present moment helped me tame the overflow of thoughts, and gave me a sense of peace that I didn’t know was possible.

This amazing change in my life has fueled my passion to share this with others. I have taught mindfulness meditation to groups and have brought it into my individual sessions with great results. I believe that, as more people gain peace and calm in their lives, our world will become a better place.

Then came another major change in my life. My mother died. This shook my world and changed me in unexpected ways. The grieving process has deepened my intuition and opened my eyes to the world of energy. I now incorporate energy healing techniques into my sessions and continue to be in awe of its healing power. I am forever grateful to my Mom for these gifts of awareness that continue in my life.

My qualifications:

B.A, Psychology, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN

M.S.Ed., Community Counseling, University of Wisconsin, River Falls, WI

Licensed Psychologist, State of MN

My background:

I have over 20 years of experience providing mental health therapy and healing to children, adolescents, and adults.  I have worked in outpatient clinics, school settings, and now have my own private healing practice.